Professional Development Assistance
AAPL has established a Professional Development Assistance Program that reduces the registration fee up to $300 for AAPL-operated events including Annual Meeting and NAPE educational events. The program is designed for AAPL Active Members or AAPL Student Members who have not received Professional Development Aid more than two times in the past fiscal year.
A little help when you need it
Assistance is available for all AAPL-operated education programs including:
- Institutes
- Seminars & Workshops
- RPL/CPL Certification Exam Reviews (in-person only)
- Annual Meeting ($300 max)
- NAPE Summit
Assistance is limited to two programs per fiscal including all AAPL Education Seminars & online videos (except the RPL/CPL review).
The names of recipients requesting assistance are confidential. Please request assistance at least two weeks prior to the event date. Professional assistance is only available to new registrations. Please wait for your approval and PDAP code approval BEFORE you register.
Total funds available for the program are limited to the budget amount approved by the board of directors each year.