AAPL offers many ways to get involved. Learn how you can be part of leading and shaping the future of the association.

Board of Directors
The AAPL board of directors is composed of elected officers, the immediate past president and one director who represents each affiliated local association. Canada is allowed two directors. The board of directors is responsible for general management of the affairs of AAPL within the scope of the bylaws.
Officer election, duties and responsibilities are included in AAPL’s bylaws and policies. Officers are elected annually by Active Members of the association. Officers serve a one-year term and take office on July 1 of the year elected. The Nominating Committee solicits nominations for officer positions NOW through Jan. 10. The first vice president is presumed to be nominated for the presidency the following year.
- First Vice President
- Second Vice President
- Third Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
First Vice President
- Steps in as president in the absence or inabililty of president to serve.
- Serves as chairman of the Finance Committee and the Strategic Planning Committee.
- Appoints the assistant chair for each AAPL committee.
- Travel is required and reimbursable to board meetings and possibly other meetings related to the role.
- Typically spends five hours each week on volunteer work for AAPL.
Second Vice President
- Steps in as president in the absence or inability of president and first vice president to serve.
- Serves as assistant chair of Landman Scholarship Trust and such other duties as assigned by the president.
- Travel is required and reimbursable to board meetings and possibly other meetings related to the role.
- Typically spends five hours each week on volunteer work for AAPL.
Third Vice President
- Steps in as president in the absence or inability of president, first vice president and second vice president to serve.
- Serves as assistant chair of the Educational Foundation and such other duties as assigned by the president.
- Travel is required and reimbursable to board meetings and possibly other meetings related to the role.
- Typically spends five hours each week on volunteer work for AAPL.
- Records the minutes of each Executive Committee and board meeting and assist the presiding officer of those meetings.
- Issues notices to the meetings at the direction of the president. Also monitors all elections and validates/certifies all election results and votes taken by the Executive Committee and by the board of directors.
- Travel is required and reimbursable to board meetings and possibly other meetings related to the role.
- Typically spends two hours each week on volunteer work for AAPL.
- Monitors all AAPL financial matters, and serves as board member/treasurer for the Educational Foundation and Landman Scholarship Trust and sits on the Finance Committee.
- Submits an annual report to the members at the Annual Meeting and reports to the board when requested. Ensures a statement of dues is mailed to all members each year.
- Travel is required and reimbursable to board meetings and possibly other meetings related to the role.
- Typically spends four hours each week on volunteer work for AAPL.
AAPL committee members serve the president and are required to be Active Members. Committee members are appointed for three-year staggered terms. Members may apply for appointment annually between January and late April for the following fiscal year which begins on July 1. Please review the information an expectations below for each committee and complete the application process if you are interested in serving.
The purpose of the Accreditation Committee is to evaluate existing degree programs, both undergraduate and graduate, offered by universities associated with landwork or complimentary to land professionals, that request and work through the current AAPL accreditation process. The Accreditation Committee is to provide a recommendation to the AAPL Executive Committee for final determination. The Accreditation Committee does not hold any authority for implementing or determining a program’s status; the Executive Committee maintains full authority for accrediting programs.
The committee consists of the chair, assistant chair and 10 or more Active Members.
- 3-year term
- One virtual meeting per month
- 2-6 hours per month
- Some travel required. Qualifying travel expenses (i.e., airfare, personal mileage, taxi or rental car, hotel accommodations, etc.) incurred by members of the Acreditation Committee on behalf of and in support of the Accreditation Committee are reimbursable up to $750 per member per trip.
Must be an Active Member
The purpose of the Annual Meeting Committee is to facilitate the Annual Meeting in a manner that fulfills the AAPL mission statement and provides an appropriate venue for education and networking activities.
The committee consists of the chair, assistant chair, president, first vice president, immediate past president, executive vice president, and AAPL staff person responsible for the Annual Meeting and three or more Active Members.
- 3-year term
- One virtual meeting per month
- Travel to Annual Meeting is required and is not reimbursed.
Must be an Active Member. Ideal committee members include those from the local area where the Annual Meeting & Conference will be held that year.
The purpose of the Awards Committee is to elevate and highlight the achievements of AAPL members, volunteers and partners.
The Awards Committee consists of five or more Active AAPL members representing a diverse regional base. The chair and assistant chair are the only committee members known to the membership.
- 3-year term
- One virtual meeting per month
- 3-4 hours per month
- Travel is not required
Must be an Active Member
The purpose of the Bylaw and Policy Review Committee is to provide all AAPL members, committees, Executive Committee, board of directors and AAPL staff with an updated policy manual and bylaws to be used for carrying out the business of AAPL.
The committee consists of the chair, assistant chair and at least five Active Members.
- 3-year term
- Virtual meetings as needed
Must be an Active Member
The purpose of the Certification Committee is to create and maintain certification programs for AAPL and ensure that the certification programs adhere to relevant best practices in certification and that the content is relevant and timely for members.
The committee consists of Chair, Assistant Chair and approximately 10 Active AAPL CPL members from various geographic regions.
- 3-year term
- 5 hours per month
- One virtual meeting per month
Must be an Active Member
The purpose of the Council on Presidential Perspectives is to provide guidance and advice to the AAPL president, Executive Committee; Executive Vice President and board of directors on matters which COPP deems necessary or on matters which COPP is asked to render an opinion.
The Education Committee works with AAPL staff to obtain and select programs to ensure that AAPL’s education is relevant and timely for land professionals.
The committee consists of chair, assistant chair and at least 5 Active Members.
- 3-year term
- Meets virtually each month, except June, July, and August
- 5-10 hours per month
- No travel required
Must be an Active member. It is highly recommended that committee members have either RPL or CPL certification. Experience serving on an AAPL or local association education committee is beneficial.
The purpose of Ethics Committee is to uphold the ethical standards of the AAPL by making recommendations to the board of directors and Executive Committee for appropriate action.
The Field Landman Committee is a conduit between field landman and AAPL to promote membership, certification, education, goodwill and ethical standards.
The committee consists of the chair, assistant chair and at least 10 Active Members.
- 3-year term
- One virtual meeting per month
- 4-5 hours per month
- Each member is expected to attend at least one Field Landman Seminar
Must be an Active Member. Should possess strong communication, planning, and networking skills.
The Finance Committee’s purpose is to provide additional stewardship and oversight of the financial resources controlled by AAPL.
The purpose of the Forms Committee is to establish and maintain a robust and relevant database of industry document templates and tools for members use to provide member benefit.
The committee consists of at least five and no more than 10 Active Members from various geographic regions.
- 3-year term
- One virtual meeting per month
- 5-10 hours per month
- No travel required
Must be an Active Member. Should have a strong knowledge of contracts related to oil and gas. Knowledge of renewable contracts is helpful. Should have good communication and drafting abilities.
The purpose of the Governmental Affairs Committee is to ensure AAPL’s awareness and involvement in the promulgation, direction, implementation and administration of national, state and local legislative and regulatory issues impacting the land profession while maintaining the integrity of AAPL’s mission and advancing the stature of the land professional. Additionally, the purpose of this committee’s purpose is to provide information, education and resources to AAPL members that will allow them to navigate all relevant legislative and regulatory fields.
The committee consists of the chair, 3 assistant chairs (1 each for tax issues, public lands and leg/reg) and up to 10 Active Members.
- 3-year term
- One virtual meeting per month 2 hours per month
- Travel is not required
Must be an Active Member. Should have a background and/or interest in one or more of the areas that the committee works on, including public lands/access, legislative/regulatory and tax issues.
The purpose of the Investment Advisory Committee is to monitor the overall investment policies of the association and to establish investment guidelines in continuance of those policies. The committee monitors the management of the portfolio for compliance with the investment policies/guidelines and for meeting performance objectives over time.
The Membership Committee’s purpose is to recruit and maintain qualified members for AAPL.
This committee consists of the chair, assistant chair and not less than seven Active Members.
- 3-year term
- One virtual meeting per month 2 hours monthly
- Travel is not required
Must be an Active Member
Mission: The mission of the Mentorship Program Committee is to facilitate learning and development within the land profession by using technology to link experienced land professionals with members who are new to the profession, want to enhance their skills in areas of new focus or just need preliminary direction in starting a new project. This program will enable members to seek voluntary, non-legal advice, learn from each other on the topics of their choice and utilize technology to maximize mentor relationships. The only cost is an individual’s time, commitment and desire for the educational enhancement of the membership.
Activities: The committee will review and link advisors with participants of the program. Committee members will monitor and ensure the advisor-participant relationship and corresponding activities are progressing in a productive way and assist as needed. Attendance in regular, monthly meetings is needed to ensure all are aligned and the program is functioning as intended.
The committee consists of the chair, assistant chair and up to 10 Active Members.
- 3-year term
- One virtual meeting per month
- 1-2 hours monthly
- Travel is not required
Must be an Active Member. Experience or participation in a prior mentorship program is preferred. CPL is also preferred but not required.
The NAPE Advisory Board is a committee comprised of the partners of NAPE Expo, LP who hold at least a 10% interest in the partnership. The purpose of the NAPE Advisory Board is to review and approve the budget for each NAPE event and to provide advice to the partnership and the general partner, subject to and in accordance with the NAPE Partnership Agreement (as it may be amended or replaced).
The purpose of the NAPE Operators Committee is to formulate strategy and provide input, recommendations and guidance to the NAPE/AAPL staff for execution of such strategy, all subject to the final approval of NAPE Management, LLC. It will be responsible for the NAPE Business Conference, NAPE EXPO Charities Luncheon, obtaining speakers for the business conference and charities luncheon, raising the charitable contributions for the charities luncheon, assembling/coordinating the NAPE Ambassador Program, serving as editorial board for the NAPE magazine and addressing issues encountered prior to, during and after each NAPE event in conjunction with the NAPE/AAPL staff. All of its functions will be pursuant to and in accordance with NAPE/AAPL budgetary guidelines.
The committee consists of the chair, the assistant chair and up to 12 Active Members.
- 3-year term
- One virtual meeting per month
- 3-5 hours per month
- Travel to NAPE events is required
Must be an Active Member. Should be experienced in the field and have a working knowledge of NAPE.
The purpose of the Nominating Subcommittee is to solicit nominations, review the qualifications of the candidates and recommend a slate of Executive Committee officers to the AAPL board of directors for the next annual election of Executive Committee officers.
The purpose of the Publications Committee is to provide recommendations to AAPL staff regarding the types of publications and topics for professional papers, industry articles and other publications deemed prudent.
The committee consists of the chair, assistant chair and at least 7 Active Members.
- 3-year term
- Meets virtually a few times a year
- 2-3 hours per month
- Travel is not required
Must be an Active Member
The purpose of the Strategic Planning Committee is to assist the board of directors in fulfilling its responsibilities to monitor the development and implementation of the association’s strategies and overall strategic plan.
The committee shall consist of at least 10 Active AAPL members. The members should represent both the various geographic regions and the various elements of the land profession; major oil companies, independent oil companies, brokers and independent landmen.
- 3-year term
- Meets virtually, as necessary
- 1-2 hours monthly
Must be an Active Member. Experience with strategic planning is desired.
The purpose of the Technology Committee is to promote the use of technology, recommend membership-wide information technology policies and serve as a technology information resource to the association and its members.
The committee consists of the chair, assistant chair and up to 10 Active AAPL members.
- 3-year term
- Meets virtually, as necessary
- 1-2 hours monthly
Must be an Active Member.