Round out your education. Advance your career. Keep abreast of the latest issues that impact your profession. AAPL membership can be a tremendous asset in moving you toward your professional goals — and it all begins when you apply.

We offer a variety of individual memberships. Find the level that’s right for you and join today.

If you’re already a member, you know the value and benefits that AAPL provides. Keep a good thing going by renewing your membership.

Advancing the interests of our industry is demanding but rewarding work. Go above and beyond by helping to further our mission. Volunteer today.

Don’t miss an opportunity to network with your peers and advance your career. Sign up today for updates on AAPL and NAPE events.

Do you feel other members could benefit from your experience and insight? Could you benefit from connecting with someone who has been there before? Be part of the Mentorship Committee.

Interested in nominating someone for an AAPL award or leadership position? Nominate your peers.

Are there issues or subjects that you’re passionate about? Let us help you find an opportunity to share your writings or ideas.

Corporate Partnership
We offer partnership and sponsorship opportunities for companies who want to build good will and get their message in front of our members. Find out more.

Instructor Fellowship
If you’re involved in the education of future land professionals, an AAPL fellowship can enable you to make an even bigger impact on the industry.

Alliance Partner Program
The support of our Alliance Partners helps AAPL spread awareness of the land profession; advocate for the entire energy industry; recruit young professionals; and create evolving, effective programs and services that aid energy professionals and help shape the future.
The Opportunity for Land Professionals
How does a landman fit into today's energy industry? In 2022, AAPL developed an outreach video titled The Path of the Landman — Powering the World to help tell the historical of the land professional and the opportunities that exist for land professionals in the energy industry. View a clip of the video below or watch the complete video on AAPL's YouTube channel.